Med-Peds Program Directors Association.
Role: President and Executive Committee.
Developed ACGME requirements for the new accreditation process for med-peds, initiated research committee to fill gaps in the literature on med-peds, initiated the transition care committee to develop policies regarding transition of youth with complex chronic disease to adult care, initiated recruitment committee to educate medical students about med-peds career options, initiated advocacy committee.
04/01/2002 - 04/2006
National Med-Peds Resident Association.
Role: Advisory Board.
Facilitated the founding and recruitment of the National Med-Peds Resident Association.
01/02/2001 - 06/30/2004
Internal Service
Internal Medicine Promotion Committee.
01/01/2019 - present.
Department service.
Pediatric Promotion Committee.
01/01/2019 - present.
Department service.
Credentialing Committee.
01/03/2018 - present.
College service.
Simulation Fellowship Advisory Committee.
01/03/2017 - present.
College service.
Faculty Academic Committee.
01/20/2014 - 04/15/2016.
College service.
Research Committee.
07/01/2012 - present.
College service.
Global Health Committee.
06/30/2010 - present.
College service.