Dr. Yong Li completed his medical education with both MD and Ph.D. degrees in China. He went to the Imperial College in London for his visiting fellow scholarship, and then he started his postdoc associated job in the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and later, he was appointed as a research assistant professor and promoted to director of the molecular pathology laboratory and a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Orthopedics, Pathology, and Bioengineering of the University of Pittsburgh in 2005. Then he was appointed a laboratory director and Associate Professor of Center Stem Cell for Regenerative Medicine and Pediatric, Orthopedic and Internal Medicine of University of Texas Medical School at Houston in 2011. In the later 2017, he was invited to be a Senior Scientist and deputy director for Center for Regenerative Sports Medicine at Steadman Philippon Research Institute (SPRI) at Vail, Colorado. Dr. Li has a lead on studies of stem cell regulations and applications, fibrosis prevention, genetic and epigenetic modifications and translational studies in the field of musculoskeletal regenerative medicine, and he has more than one hundred peer-reviewed publications and his team is well-founded through DOD and NIH grants. He owns thirty national and international awards, including the Michael Miller Young Investigator Award from UPMC. His laboratory has trained and is training more than fifty students, postdoctoral research fellows, and resident research fellows. He also was a student mentor of National Goldwater scholarship.